Advent: The Restoration of DIGNITY
Advent, Pt. 3
“The Restoration of Dignity”
Sunday, December 15, 2024
1. Read Luke 2:8-12. What do the angels say will specifically happen
because of the birth of Jesus?
2. Read Matthew 21:1-15.
• What are the people doing at Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem?
• What is the first thing Jesus does when He enters Jerusalem?
• Why does Jesus do this? How is this connected to the angel’s
announcement in Luke 2?
• How does Jesus restore the dignity of the people at the temple?
3. What stories in the life of Jesus display how He wants ALL people to
experience the joy that He brings?
4. We used the following definition of joy: “Joy is a high-energy emotion
related to knowing that someone is happy to see me.”
• Do you believe that God is happy to see/be with you?
• Do you believe that His joy is for you?
• How can we help people at Grace Hill Church to experience this joy?