Wisdom, Pt. 5 - “Fear God”

Wisdom, Pt. 5

Ecclesiastes | Fear God

1. What has you fearful about this election season?

2. Take a moment to survey some passages in Ecclesiastes 1 & 2. What

point is the author trying to make? How does this inform how you

might interpret Ecclesiastes 12:13-14?

3. What does it mean to fear something? What is happening in the body?

4. Is it possible to fear something that is good and trustworthy? What is

that like?

5. What is the connection between fearing something and following the

commands of that thing?

6. Why is it important that we guard against a secular worldview that

seeks to find/build utopia in this life?

7. Why is it important that we are intentional about the content we are

taking in on a daily basis? What are the consequences of these


8. What is the mission God has given the church? What does it look like to

focus our efforts and attention on that?


Wisdom, Pt. 6 - “The Foolishness of the Cross”


Wisdom, Pt. 4 - “Numbering Your Days”