Wisdom, Pt. 2 - “What Do You Want?”
Wisdom, Pt. 2
Proverbs 7 | What Do You Want?
Read Proverbs 7.
1. • In what ways do you identify with the young man? How are we all at
risk of stumbling into the grip of temptation to any sin?
• Why was the adulterous woman so seductive? Why do the details in
the text matter?
• What do you think the young man wanted that the woman was
offering to satisfy?
2. Why is it important that we do the hard work of answering the question
- “what do you want?” - honestly and specifically?
3. Why are we tempted to avoid answering this question?
4. How does answering this question honestly and specifically help us to
live with wisdom?
5. How does the Gospel enable us to face this question and even invite
our community into helping us answer this question?
6. What are some examples in your life of how answering this question
and trusting God with it would lead you to a life of greater joy and