Formed Pt. 9 - Empowered
For our ninth week in our FORMED series, we study Ezekiel 36 among many other passages to understand the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Reflection Questions:
1. Read Ezekiel 36:22-28, Jeremiah 31:33, and John 14:26. What is God’s role in our growth and sanctification?
2. Review 1 Thessalonians 5:16-21, Isaiah 63:10, Acts 7:51, Ephesians 4:29-32, 1 Corinthian 12:3, and Jude 19. What does it seem the Spirit is trying to do in us and how do we fight against that?
3. Review Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Matthew 10:19, and Romans 8:26-27. In what ways does the Spirit empower us?
4. How do you feel the Spirit has gifted you for ministry?
5. One way we can resist the Holy Spirit is through disregarding God’s Word – do you know of anything in God’s Word that you feel tempted to ignore?
6. One way we can resist the Holy Spirit is through being unteachable. Who in your life has permission to challenge, exhort, teach, or even rebuke you? How have you responded to this in the past?
7. One way we can resist the Holy Spirit is through being unkind. God is a gracious, patient, and gentle God and He calls His people to display the same character. Why do you think unkindness is a way of quenching the work of the Spirit in us?
8. Read Philippians 1:6 & Hebrews 12:7-11. Why is God a good Father through His discipline? Why is this good news that God will complete His work of sanctification in us, even if we resist?